Okay~ I know it's a lame title. haha~ Well, just want to show that it's already MARCH?! days passes by like flipping through a book.. Everyday is a new and.. urm.. I can't say is exciting at the moment.. but somewhat "interesting"~ If you're involved with work in operation & production line, you almost get new troubles everyday! sometimes it's frustrating (especially during weekends), really~ but when you get to solved an issue, it's seriously satisfying.
I find that dealing with people is indeed the highest challenge of all in my job. Problems could be solved if people are willing to work together. Or else, it'll take forever to complete just a simple little task. I'm still learning on ways to build up a strong team, instill team spirit among labmates, and make them understand the importance of meeting timeline.
Well, i think it's due to the environment itself, as the lifestyle over at Lahad Datu, Sabah is kinda laid back. Everything moves slowly.. people drives slowly on streets, passerby crosses the road (or should i say highway?!) slowly.. the locals just know how to take their time~ If you stayed there for quite sometime, you'll tend to like that place, as it gives you an image of small town, surrounded by greeneries, people in town knows each other by names, every essential shops & offices are just round the corner, not much jams.. it's a big difference from KL. The down part is just that it lacks of malls, no cinema, no McD. hahaha.. (Yes, no McD, not in Lahad Datu nor Tawau.. learned it from UK colleague:"the best way to describe LD to my mates is you can't find McD over here!")
And so far, i'm going to where at my masters research, since Monash admin is working in a very slow pace.. it's been a month and my insurance is still not cleared. So.. i'm restricted to step in the lab! O.o" wished they could speed up the process.. A MONTH WASTED!!! imagine how far i could get with all those lost time.. *sigh*
ANyway~ I've collected the ganoderma samples! Yoohoo~~ *\(^^,/*
haih~~ how much longer i have to wait for my insurance to be cleared??? =.="

Common symptoms of infected trees~~ 1. leaves not opening, 2. no fruits produced

Fruiting bodies of ganoderma

Another infected tree.. this is the final stage of infection.. scary huh~~

~As comparison to healthy palm oil trees in the plantation~