Not forgetting another great experienced after my form 3, where i joined my tuition center's trip after PMR to Fraser's Hill. Enjoyed a 7-hours jungle trekking in the day (supposed to be 5-hr, but then the guide himself lost his way~ LOL), and we had night trekking as well! It was really pitch black in the forest during the night. But if I remember correctly, there were few plant species, somehow illuminate in the dark, with a faint green color light. (okay~ i know what u guys are thinking.. but nope.. it's not supernatural.. really is the plant itself! haha!) 1 thing different from FRIM's trek is that, you could see different type of plants at different altitude. ^^ and to add in more to the fun, it started to rain half way through our trekking in the morning! Imagine~ icy cold whether + rain.. really unforgettable experience~!
SO........ I WANNA GO AGAINNnnnn~~ heheh~

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