Haha.. did you figure out from the my post's title?
Yeah, at last~ after delaying for a week.. managed to find time to catch a GRENADE. LOL~~
Spent my day doing stuff I love.. is another form of relaxation. ♥ As CNY draws near, been really busy lately with work, research, and pre-CNY preparation (cleaning & sHOpPiNG ^o^). Finally bought the red shirt i needed, and get a weekend off from lab to do up this cover - Grenade, originally by the ever talented Bruno (Aaaaaahhhh... his records are simply brilliant! ).
ALright, i messed up with the tempo quite a lot. haha.. Anyway, hope you guys would enjoy my imperfect version of Grenade. And yes, again.. you're allowed to throw me some grenade in the comment box either at my blog here / twitter account / youtube vid embedded below!
*runs off quickly*