!!!!!!!!!!!!!Happy Tiger Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This year, the first day of new year in lunar calendar is also Valentine's day, 14th February 2010. Hoped that everyone had a great celebration for CNY and also Valentine's. ^^
So what is my new year resolution? I think I'll put this no.1, to learn about investment! I would really love to learn more about investing in stock market. Although I'm totally have no clue what it is now, but I've made up my mind to learn it step by step.
No.2 Save more money!!! Yes! Now that I finally start to work, I found that spending money is always much easier than saving. 1 way to refrain myself from buying attractive but unnecessary thing is to ask myself, "do I ReALLY need this? What purpose for me to buy this?" hahaha~ and it works!
No.3 To gain more knowledge in related field. Which means to read up more about the field i'm working in. To see what opportunities are there available for me to expand. Learning is a never ending, lifelong process. One must always learn!
No.4 Loose some weight! Damn!! I'm getting fatter =.=" really should control my diet n start to do some work out.. Being fat not only makes you feel unhealty and upset when you're unable to fit in those jeans that used to be well fitted, it also lower one's self-esteem.
Okay~ 4 for now is good enough! hopefully I can fulfill my new year resolution! wakakaka~
CNY, really had a great time hanging out with cousins. Some of them working overseas n didn't met for 2 years till now! A cup of beer with some groundnuts is all perfect setup for a long chitchat! hehe~ Hope that next year we'll be able to do it again! ^^
Seeing all the kiddos growing up makes me feel older.. aikz! And this year is my first year giving my parents and grandparents ang pows as I've finally joined the working society.. I'm actually feeling quite satisfied I would say~
Hopefully I could strive in my career this year~ and able to spend more precious time with my darling~ =p
~My lovely grandma's birthday is on 1st day of CNY! Happy birthday granny!! May you be blessed with health, happiness and longevity~

~Lovely pressie from my darling as valentine's gift! Thx a lot, love it vy much! Muaxx!!~