Whee~~ long long time din update my blog!!!!!! Had been really bz.. and do forgive for my laziness as well. hahahha~ Anyway, It's a brand new year! 2010! woohoo~~

Time really flies... if the world is really going to end at 2012, we've exactly 2 years left! So do live ur days as interesting as possible. Any things that you haven't do, now is the time for you guys out there to take the courage and make the very 1st move!

2012 - We truly were warned! Live a greener live to save our mother earth.. The only home to all of us.
Just for updates, I've got a job!! Muahahaha~ really happy and relieved. For those out there who're still seeking for a better position, good luck and all the best! Don't give up!!! What I did for christmas and new year celebration?? Well, spending more time with my family! mostly are family dinner and gathering with relatives. Ahhhhh... how i miss those crazy days with friends.
Staying at home, is not as free as before. Well, can't blame my mum to be so protective, as i'm kinda clumsy in terms of my driving skill.. =p Anyway, perhaps 2010, I'll make this my new year resolution--> Do not crash my car! hahahaha~ and then probably I'll get more freedom to hang out. ngek ngek!!
Ooohh... and to start my new year, i bought nokia 5800 express music phone!! Woohoo~~~ Love it!!! It's really a great phone, with all available functions: 3G, wifi, 3.5mpx cam.. etc etc. at a price of rm1080! cool~~
I'm going to Sabah more often for this month for my job, so i guess i wont be bored now with my phone! hee... ^^ Okie~ Will update the blog again soon!
*************************HAppY 2010 Everyone************************
Let us fly ahead in this new year and strive to success!!!